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Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:31 am
by teambritta
Hi all,

Wrote this script for a communal Transmission instance.

Our process is anyone can add a torrent, but they do not remove it upon completion. Instead they have to copy it another location (either their PC or another shared location) and leave it there for anyone else to get a copy. After the download is 10 days old, it is deleted.

Improvements needed:

I'm not sure why, but I wasn't able to generalise the call to transmission-remote with authentication, so if you don't have authentication you'll need to get rid of any instance of "-n $USER:$PASS" (lines 23, 29 and 54)

It works best in conjunction with cron!

  • Transmission 2.03 (should work on others?)
    Shell with GNU Extensions (for + regex operator)

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# Automatically remove a torrent and delete its data after a specified period of
# time (in seconds).

TARGET=This is where you put your completed torrents.

# The default is 10 days (in seconds).
CUTOFF=`expr 86400 \* 10`

### You shouldn't need to edit below here. ###

# Tokenise over newlines instead of spaces.

for ENTRY in `$BIN -n $USER:$PASS -l | grep 100%.*Done.*Finished`; do

    # Pull the ID out of the listing.
    ID=`echo $ENTRY | sed "s/^ *//g" | sed "s/ *100%.*//g"`

    # Determine the name of the downloaded file/folder.
    NAME=`$BIN -n $USER:$PASS -t $ID -f | head -1 |\
         sed "s/ ([0-9]\+ files)://g"`

    # If it's a folder, find the last modified file and its modification time.
    if [ -d "$TARGET/$NAME" ]; then
        for FILE in `find $TARGET/$NAME`; do
             AGE=`stat "$FILE" -c%Y`
             if [ $AGE -gt $LASTMODIFIED ]; then

    # Otherwise, just get the modified time.
        LASTMODIFIED=`stat "$TARGET/$NAME" -c%Y`

    TIME=`date +%s`

    # Remove the torrent if its older than the CUTOFF.
    if [ $DIFF -gt $CUTOFF ]; then
        echo "Removing $NAME with ID:$ID"
        $BIN -n $USER:$PASS -t $ID --remove-and-delete



Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:23 am
by ZaPHoN
I keep getting a invalid syntax in the Target path.

In Terminal:

Code: Select all

python /home/mario/Downloads/scripttest/

Code: Select all

File "/home/mario/Downloads/scripttest/", line 6
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:34 am
by teambritta
Hi ZePHoN,

You're having this issue because this is a shell scritpt, not python.

Here are two ways to run it:

Code: Select all

sh /path/to/script/

Code: Select all

chmod +x /path/to/script/

Team Britta

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:22 pm
by ZaPHoN
Ahhh Thank you so much. I'll try.

Now I get this:

Code: Select all

sh /home/mario/Downloads/scripttest/
/home/mario/Downloads/scripttest/ 57: /usr/bin/transmission-remote: not found
It seems that with the defalut install of the Transmission GTK there is no transmission-remote located in:

Code: Select all

Can I simply install transmission remote through synaptic or get rid of the GTK which I have no use for anyway since I'll be accessing this machine remotely through web anyway?

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:54 pm
by blacke4dawn
I believe that transmission-remote is packaged together with the daemon version among the deb-packages.

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:44 pm
by berkz
Hey man this script is excactly what i've been looking for. Any chance there is a mac os x friendly version? The Gnu extensions won't work in a standar mac os x shell.

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:19 am
by asensio
sorry to re-open a year old topic, but...

I only want to delete the torrent from the queue after a period of time, not its downloaded data. Is it possible to do it just by editing the line 54?


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$BIN -n $USER:$PASS -t $ID --remove-and-delete


Code: Select all

$BIN -n $USER:$PASS -t $ID --remove
I have my series organized like this (i'm using flexget):

the script "looks" inside each folder or just the TARGET?

Thank you,

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:13 am
by Remage
So I found this had issues if I used things like Sonarr and used a subdirectory etc... I made a update to this script that works properly with Sonarr/Radarr & setting a category. I didn't set a user name etc... because I run this as a cron job daily, but it can be altered to use login like the original script.

I'm sure there are other scripts that work better but this worked well enough for me.

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# Automatically remove a torrent and delete its data after a specified period of
# time (in seconds).

TARGET=This is where you put your completed torrents.

# The default is 10 days (in seconds).
CUTOFF=`expr 86400 \* 10`

### You shouldn't need to edit below here. ###

# Tokenise over newlines instead of spaces.

for ENTRY in `$BIN -l | grep 100%`; do

    # Pull the ID out of the listing.
    ID=`echo $ENTRY | sed "s/^ *//g" | sed "s/ *100%.*//g"`
    # Determine the name of the downloaded file/folder.
    NAME=`$BIN -t $ID -f | head -1 |\
         sed "s/ ([0-9]\+ files)://g"`
    # If it's a folder, find the last modified file and its modification time.
    if [ -d "$TARGET/$NAME" ]; then

        for FILE in `find $TARGET -name $NAME`; do
             AGE=`stat "$FILE" -c%Y`
             if [ $AGE -gt $LASTMODIFIED ]; then

    # Otherwise, just get the modified time.
	FILE1=`find $TARGET -name $NAME`
        LASTMODIFIED=`stat "$FILE1" -c%Y`

    TIME=`date +%s`
    # Remove the torrent if its older than the CUTOFF.
    if [ $DIFF -gt $CUTOFF ]; then
        echo "Removing $NAME with ID:$ID"
        $BIN -t $ID --remove-and-delete



Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:00 pm
by Pacho
Hi guys

Sorry for invading on the thread, is there anyway to do this on a Mac osx running transmission as well??

I have both the gui and the terminal version!

I just really want a script that can remove torrents in the program after a set amount of days...

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:43 am
by damdim
Hi all. I tried the previous script in a QNAP NAS, and I couldn't make it work. Mainly I think, because I use multiple folders for completed torrents, and I only wanted it to take effect on a specific one. So I fiddle around and I modified it, to suit my situation. It uses the "Seeding Time" of the torrent info, and doesn't check the timestamps of the files. If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please post it. The script is checked with transmission 2.94 only.

Code: Select all


# Automatically remove a torrent and delete its data after a specified period of
# time (in seconds).

# The target folder of completed torrents

# The executable with the passing arguments (I use a custom port)
BIN="/opt/bin/transmission-remote -n user:pass"

# The maximum seeding time in seconds

# Get the list of torrents IDs
TORRENTLIST=`$BIN -l | sed -e '1d' -e '$d' | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*//g'`

# Loop for every torrent
    	# Get Torrent name
    	TORRENTNAME=`$BIN -t $ID -i | grep "Name:" | cut -c 9-`
    	# Determine the location  of the torrent.
    	DOWNPATH=`$BIN -t $ID -i | grep "Location:" | cut -c 13-`
    	# Determine the seeding time  of the torrent.
    	SEEDTIME=`$BIN -t $ID -i | grep "Seeding Time" | cut -d "(" -f 2 | cut -c -5`
    	# Check if Location=Target and Seeding Time is bigger than cutoff and remove torrent
   		if [ "$DOWNPATH" == "$TARGET" -a $SEEDTIME -gt $CUTOFF ]; then
    			echo "Removing $TORRENTNAME"
    			$BIN -t $ID --remove-and-delete
    			echo "Not Removing $TORRENTNAME"

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:00 pm
by damdim
I played a little with sed and made some changes to the script

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# Automatically remove a torrent and delete its data after a specified period of
# time (in seconds).

BIN="/opt/bin/transmission-remote -n user:pass"

#(in seconds).

TORRENTLIST=`$BIN -l | sed -e '1d' -e '$d' | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*//g'`

    # Get Torrent name
    TORRENTNAME=`$BIN -t $ID -i | grep "Name:" | sed 's/.*Name: \(.*\)/\1/'`
    # Determine the location  of the torrent.
    DOWNPATH=`$BIN -t $ID -i | grep "Location:" | sed 's/.*Location: \(.*\)/\1/'`
    # Determine the seeding time  of the torrent.
    SEEDTIME=`$BIN -t $ID -i | grep "Seeding Time" | sed 's/.*(\(.*\) seconds)/\1/'`
    # Check if Location=Target and Seeding Time is bigger than cutoff and remove torrent
  # if [ "$DOWNPATH" == "$TARGET" -a $SEEDTIME -gt $CUTOFF ]; then
        if [ "$DOWNPATH" == "$TARGET" ]; then
          if [ $SEEDTIME -gt $CUTOFF ]; then
            echo -e "\033[0;31mRemoving $TORRENTNAME because Location is $DOWNPATH and Seeding Time is $SEEDTIME seconds\033[0m"
            $BIN -t $ID --remove-and-delete
            echo -e "\033[0;32mNOT Removing $TORRENTNAME because Seeding Time is $SEEDTIME seconds\033[0m"
        echo -e "\033[0;33mNOT Removing $TORRENTNAME because Location is $DOWNPATH\033[0m"

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:19 pm
by luizbird

I'm trying to implement this script but I keep getting errors.

What should be the "BIN" folder when the transmission is running on Docker?

Also, for the TARGET folder, I'm getting "Permission denied"..

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:19 am
by Murph1y
I am trying to add for the custom extension file conditions but it is not working. Is there any solution?

Re: Auto-remove after X time script

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 2:20 pm
by ghdsports

After trying to use these examples, I hit a couple of issues:

The comparison operator should be greater than, not less than
filemtime returns the modified time. filectime is the time when a file's inode data is changed; that is, when the permissions, owner, group, or other metadata from the inode is updated, which may lead to unexpected results
I changed the example to use filemtime and fixed the comparison as follows:

$path = dirname(__FILE__).'/files';
if ($handle = opendir($path)) {

while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ((time()-filemtime($path.'/'.$file)) > 86400) { // 86400 = 60*60*24
if (preg_match('/\.txt$/i', $file)) {