Every new torrent/magnet added starts new clientinstace..

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Every new torrent/magnet added starts new clientinstace..

Post by BogusByte »

Windows 10 pro 20h2 19042.804 x64
Transmission 2.94+ (3d9fd25269)
Transmission 3.00 (bb6b5a062e)

I have the deamon running on one pc(server) and client on another pc(clent) on the lan...

When i open a .torrent file or open a magnet url from Firefox or explorer by doubleclicking a .torrent file... the clent start a new instace of the local client but it adds the torrent to the server just fine...

Have uninstalled and removed all config(settings.json) files and reinstalled ... still no help

Is this a known problem and somting that can be fixed so it reuse the allready running instace of the client?

Sorry for bad english/typos as its not my native language :(
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Re: Every new torrent/magnet added starts new clientinstace..

Post by killemov »

You do know that you are trying to save yourself a single click right? (Close a browser tab or exit an application.) If you use the web-UI, or are willing to, you could use Shift to intercept the magnet: protocol. If you are stuck using the native application you need to start some application to process the torrent anyway. And yes, there are ways to implement checking for an already running application and deferring the handling to that application ... but that takes a lot of work doing platform-specific implementation ... again saving you that one click.
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Re: Every new torrent/magnet added starts new clientinstace..

Post by BogusByte »

Thanks for a reply....
How did you come to that conclusion? What native application are you tinking off...?

The client i am takling about is Transmission(QT on windows) as this IS the Transmisson board we are on, right?

I click a link on a webpage(magnet/torrent)in browser or dblclick a .torrent file in explorer(not the bloody M$ browser) when i have transmisson-qt already running... it starts a new instance of transmisson-qt... so i end up with mulitiple transmission-qt clients running after a session..... I was hoping that it might have been someone that had experienced somting like this out there and knew a possible fix...

How come it worked just fine on earlyer versions of transmission-gt...so should not the coding for it should already be there somewhere in the repo?

All i was hoping to get an ansver about, was if it was a possible bug or missconfiguraton on my part...

...and thanks for flipping me off in a gentle but arrogant way with irrelevant and non constructive info :/

Tip: dont post unless you got someting that actualy helps... :P
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Re: Every new torrent/magnet added starts new clientinstace..

Post by killemov »

Let's unpack this then, shall we?

First you start off saying that you are running the transmission daemon to do the actual downloading. So everything important happens server-side, correct? This makes opening and closing applications client-side an annoyance and not something destructive.

When I speak of a native application I mean an executable directly run on the target OS (Windows in your case.) as opposed to an emulated client or a Web-UI. When you click on a torrent link in the browser, it, when configured to do so, starts a new application. Period. When you click on a torrent in Windows Explorer, Windows, when configured to do so, starts a new application. Period.

This application could either be the QT-client itself or a helper application that checks if there already is a running client and hands the torrent link off to that. This could even be the same executable with a special internal execution path. And in this case it still yields the same loading of the application and closing it when the torrent is handed off to the already running client.

Let me explicitly state that I don't know the transmission QT-client and give you something to chase after. Are there any hints of a separate helper application .exe or .dll or even .bat file that could to be referred to in Firefox? Did you use an add-on in Firefox to provide similar functionality? Was the upgrade of the transmission QT-client the only variable? Are you sure the correct executable of the new version is started? Have you tried disabling the firewall? Have you tried reverting to the last known working version?

Though possible, I can hardly believe that implemented helper code would be removed if it was working correctly before. If the new version uses a newer version of the QT-platform the problem, also very unlikely, could lie there.

Happy Hunting!
BogusByte wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:46 pm ...and thanks for flipping me off in a gentle but arrogant way with irrelevant and non constructive info :/

Tip: dont post unless you got someting that actualy helps... :P
Flipping off, no, arrogant, perhaps. But still trying to help after a rude reply. And check some of my other posts before ...
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