Check for Updates before connecting to Torrents

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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Lord of the Rings
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun May 22, 2011 6:26 pm

Check for Updates before connecting to Torrents

Post by Lord of the Rings »

Request: Transmission checks for updates before connecting to torrent tracker servers when the program opens.

Reason: With Transmission connecting to torrents, then announcing an update which installs and restarts the program, this results in 'Hammering'. For private torrents it can put the torrents out of action for over an hour with message meaning (disallowed connection due to "hammering" the tracker; "too many connections".)

This same 'Hammering' principle applies to both public and private torrents, not good for torrent tracker servers.
The 'check for updates' process before connecting is such a simple concept and should not be difficult to implement.

I requested the same thing about a year ago. Hopefully the devs will revisit this idea with fresh thoughts. :)
Lord of the Rings
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun May 22, 2011 6:26 pm

Re: Check for Updates before connecting to Torrents

Post by Lord of the Rings »

Thank you. I have submitted a ticket, hopefully correctly. :)

From what I've read, as you are probably aware the way Transmission updates results in the program breaching bittorrent protocol with duplicate announcements within less than 60 seconds. For many private torrent sites whom are super fussy about announcement intervals it causes issues as described above as a good example.
At least with Transmission updating before connections are made then all will be good.
Thanks for your reply. ;)
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