Batch tracker url change option

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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Batch tracker url change option

Post by m0ngk »

Hi, I use the Mac version but this would be great on any version.

It would be nice to be able to change the tracker url of a multiple number of torrents at once, if the need arose. As of now, I have to manually change it for individual ones and that could get very tedious very quickly.
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Re: Batch tracker url change option

Post by fulalas »

If I understand you correctly, you want to add more than one tracker at once, right?

I wrote the code for this for Transmission-Qt. I'm considering the uTorrent pattern (i.e. one URL per line; although we can further improve by considering space as a separator too), like this:

Code: Select all

Details :: onAddTrackerClicked ()
  bool ok = false;
  const QString url = QInputDialog::getText (this,
                                             tr ("Add URL "),
                                             tr ("Add tracker announce URL:"),
                                             QLineEdit::Normal, QString (), &ok);

  if (!ok)
      // user pressed "cancel" -- noop

        QMessageBox::information (this, tr ("Empty tracker"), tr ("The tracker can't be empty."));

    bool invalidTrackerFound = false;
    QStringList urlList;
            url.replace("\n\n", "\n");

        urlList = url.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

  foreach(QString currentUrl, urlList)
      if (!QUrl (currentUrl).isValid ())
          invalidTrackerFound = true;

      QSet<int> ids;

      foreach (int id, myIds)
        if (myTrackerModel->find (id, currentUrl) == -1)
          ids.insert (id);

      if (ids.empty ()) // all the torrents already have this tracker
          invalidTrackerFound = true;

      QStringList urls;
      urls << currentUrl;
      mySession.torrentSet (ids, TR_KEY_trackerAdd, urls);
      getNewData ();

        if(urlList.length() == 1 )
            QMessageBox::information (this, tr ("Invalid tracker"), tr ("The tracker already exists or is invalid."));
            QMessageBox::information (this, tr ("Invalid trackers"), tr ("Not all trackers were added because some of them already exist or are invalid."));
Please, could someone review and commit this code?

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Re: Batch tracker url change option

Post by killemov »

Shift can add a batch of trackers to all torrents. Go to Session/Shift. Paste a bunch of urls in the textarea and click "Add to all torrents." Note that this process is JavaScript-driven so the Shift page needs to stay loaded during this process.
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Re: Batch tracker url change option

Post by captain »

I once had a script to do exactly this, but it's long gone, and I can't recall all the details of Transmission's workings to recreate it. It is possible though! I thought that by now Transmission would have implemented Bulk Tracker Name Changing.
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