Active scope implementation parity with *nix version

Feature requests for the Mac OS X version of Transmission
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Active scope implementation parity with *nix version

Post by drunkn »

So based on a brief conversation on the IRC channel it seems setting your scope to "Active" on OS X does something different than it does on *nix versions. Basically I wanted to scope my torrent list to torrents which have either downloading or uploading activity. Currently choosing Active seems to just filter out items paused or in some sort of error state. Someone on IRC says the *nix versions work as I'm describing I want it to work.

I can sort of get around this by choosing the 'Sort > Activity' option for the entire list, which does bubble up the items, but in this way I still have all the "0s" at the tail end of the list.

Can I get a response please as to why this 'Active' scope/button/tab is slightly different on OS X?

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Re: Active scope implementation parity with *nix version

Post by Jordan »

In the GTK+ and Qt clients, 'active' torrents are ones which have connections to peers that say they're ready to exchange piece data with us.

Older implementations of the GTK+ and Qt clients used to define 'active' as "actually transferring >0 bytes right now. Under the current definition, torrents won't flicker in and out of the list when there's a hiccup or lag. In addition, you can see which torrents have peers coming on-line.
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