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What actually does "Web interface" component mean during installation?

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:40 am
by The_Immortal
Hi there!

Guys, I'm wondering what actually does "Web interface" component mean during installation Transmission under Windows?


I can see Web UI either with installed "Web interface" component and without this one - and Web UI is the same in both cases.

For all I know, deamon actually enables access via http and it doesn't care by which exactly mean it would be done: via desktop GUI client or any web browser.

So I'm looking for any explanations what actually does that "Web interface" component mean?

Thank you so much!

Re: What actually does "Web interface" component mean during installation?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:43 pm
by killemov
I'm just as baffled as you are. The people who developed the installer probably made a mistake.