torrent subscription / data update

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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torrent subscription / data update

Post by kroosu »


Every week I get a torrent which contains the same data as the week before + the data from the last week; basicly a growing
archive. The data is stored in seperate files.

I have a request to support updating a transmission entry with the following options:
- An option that keeps track of the changes so transmission can seed the current and previous torrent at the same time?
- Cumulative send & received bytes / ratio for all torrents
- Keep track of the files that are transfered; maybe a resetable U/D ratio per file (of course the reset data has to be marked)
- When adding the new torrent, it should only mark the new files for download (so copy the settings from the previous torrent and add the new files)
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