Download Catagories and separate options for each.

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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Download Catagories and separate options for each.

Post by jjarvis98 »

I'm looking at moving to Transmission from rtorrent because it seems to 'just work' and not require as much tweaking. However one feature I make heavy use of is being able to add a custom field to the torrent and then when post processing comes, it can do different things based on the custom field.

I've currently started using sabnzbd for nzb files and I think that it has one of the best implementations/example of what I'd like to do.
See their 'Categories' page on their wiki. It also seems to be a good way to support scripts that run post processing.

When you add a torrent you could select which category you wanted it to go in (or just 'default'). The watch folder could have (& optionally create) sub folders to each category. So if I watch /home/user/torrents/, anything placed in /home/user/torrents/tv/ would be added to the TV category. Be moved to the TV download dir and pass anything downloaded from it to the post processing scripts.

Almost anything else that was configurable could then be specified per grouping. TV shows are limited to 1.0 ratio, 10K up and 100K down. Movies are limited to 2.0 ratio, 50k up and unlimited down, etc

Not too familiar with JSON, but in the config file it'd be something like this:

Code: Select all

"torrent-categories": "tv,movies,software,other"
"torrent-postprocessing": {
        "default":   "",
        "tv":        "/home/user/scripts/",
        "software":  "unrar -x "
"download-dir": {
        "default":   "/home/user/downloads/", 
        "tv":        "/mnt/tv", 
        "movies":    "/mnt/movies", 
        "software":  "software", 
        "other":     ""
Since 'software' isn't an absolute path, it would be saved to /home/user/downloads/software
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