remove torrent file, option

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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remove torrent file, option

Post by o_0 »

Add "remove torrent file" option, so transmission dosent mess up again,
when the torrent list gets long and you have auto-add torrent i folder or search for new torrent in folder.
and you want to shorten the list, if you only "remove from list". then next time you start transmission it adds or ask aboute the torrents in the folder.

the problem is when you have alot of torrent files. its time comsuming to go into the folder and search manualy every time you want to remove a torrent file
instead of just mark it in the list and press "remove torrent file"

if you forget that you removed torrents form the transmission list before, and start the program, its realy inoying to haveto close 100 new windows just becouse you did some cleanup.

or do i haveto downgrade ? if so , what version did you remove the option the first time. so i know witch to choose
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Re: remove torrent file, option

Post by livings124 »

Just set Transmission in the preferences to auto-delete the torrent file when adding.
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