How to correct individual transfer upload ratios

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How to correct individual transfer upload ratios

Post by dwdockins »

I finally figured out how to reset bogus seeded stats for an individual transfer; (iMac OSX 10.6.8. Transmission 2.80). [This does not address issues with OVERALL stats]

Typically, users may dl a file or folder and its torrent from an alternate source, then move them into Transmission for sharing [seeding]. If the download was entirely complete, no problem. But, occasionally that entity originally dl-ed as 'partial'; when Transmission gets hold of it, it completes the dl, but then thinks the very low dl-ed remainder quantity is the actual size of the entire entity, which is not correct. It stores that [incorrect] low information in an administrative file as if it were the actual size and uses the data in subsequent calculations, which causes the ratio for that transfer to become miscalculated.

The scenario then evolves that the Transmission parameter setting (Preferences/Transfers/Stop seeding at ratio ...nnn...) thinks that, since the file size is so small, that the upload ratio setting has been reached WAY before it actually has, and the transfer stops seeding.

Transmission updates stat files for each active transfer in a Library folder, typically Username/Library/Application Support/Transmission/Resume. Any of those files can be edited (with an appropriate text editor program) so that the upload seeding ratio is correctly calculated. I use TextEdit.

Transmission must NOT be running when any of these administrative files are edited, and you need to have the correct information at hand before you edit, which requires a little prior research via 'Get Info" on the transfer entity in order to obtain the total file or folder size.

It is a simple matter to overwrite the appropriate Resume parmameter with the actual file size, save and restart Transmission.

The parameter to overwrite typically looks like this... 'downloadedi123456e24':

... the '123456' is the byte count and is obviously way to small for, say, a cinema file or folder.

Revise it with the 'Get Info' total entity size, say, 'downloadedi1241995886e24':

Do NOT drop the 'i' which precedes the size number, and make sure the 'e24' remains untouched.

Save, restart and you are good to go.

Thanks, dwdockins
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