Adding multiple trackers

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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The Hated
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Adding multiple trackers

Post by The Hated »

its 2018, how can transmission not naitively add multiple trackers on the windows version? i mean seriously? some torrent have all crap trackers and adding one at a time blows... why cant the native client? anyway i think this should be implemented as it would be very easy to do so as there are posts since 2009 concerning this. here, here,here,here

anyways it seems theres customs scripts people have done or editing some master list however its simply not in the normal GUI which seems stupid because theres an add tracker feature with the little plus button however one at a time is just dumb when you often do things in mass.

anyways love transmission more than utorrent, just really annoyed when it comes to trackers and seeing posts from nearly a decade ago regarding the same issue is a little saddening, all the way up to june 2017, seems like an incredibly easy fix but for some reason has been ignored? anyway those links i provided have described to just how easy it is because one i think provided the code to do it
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Re: Adding multiple trackers

Post by killemov »

Adding multiple trackers to a single torrent and adding multiple trackers to ALL torrents is implemented in Shift. Most of it on 2013.04.01.
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Joined: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:00 am

Re: Adding multiple trackers

Post by postcd »

yes, i am missing this in the GUI (2.94, WIndows)
i am surprised one have to add one by one :-/
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