Transmission version for seeding large # of torrents

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Transmission version for seeding large # of torrents

Post by Keyboard »

I am running 3.0.0 Transmission GTK+ on Debian 12 and am now at the point where it falls over at least once a day. I have about 30,000 torrents seeding and am getting the Too Many Open Files error after about 12 - 24 hours or if not that, it just falls over and crashes after the GUI becomes unresponsive.

I have looked into the posts on the Too Many Open Files issue (TMOF), but nothing that I have tried has had any effect (increasing OS limits, decreasing number of peers, etc.). I make a lot of RPC calls into Transmission, and am not sure if this is contributing to the TMOF issue or if something else is leaking file handles (Curl?). Looking through the forums, people have been reporting the TMOF for 12+ years, and yet there still seems to be no cause/solution?!

Boot up time has also started getting onerous. Currently takes about 10 minutes to start up the client (and growing longer as torrents are added each day).

I am considering moving to a manually compiled newer version (4.0.5?) but want to hear from anyone who is successfully using Transmission to seed large numbers of torrents. I just don't want to go through the trouble of moving to a compiled version only to discover that nothing has changed and it still can't stay online without constant attention. Any advice appreciated. Also if not Transmission, then what? (Linux only please)

While I was seeding <15K torrents, Transmission was fairly stable, but once I passed 20K torrents, things started going downhill fast.

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Re: Transmission version for seeding large # of torrents

Post by killemov »

Currently the devs are working on a number of performance issues, including reverting some changes introduced in 4.0+. Raising the files/socket limits should have some effect. I have seen systems where multiple Transmission Docker images were spun up, so maybe that might work for you as well.

Oh, and I run 23k+ torrents on Transmission on a very old Debian armel system with Shift as my web-UI. And here the limit seems to be available memory. But I did experience some more regular crashes after a system update a couple of months ago.
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Re: Transmission version for seeding large # of torrents

Post by Keyboard »

Thanks for the reply killemov.

Raising the Open Files limit has not helped at all unfortunately. I am wondering if there is other ancillary limits that may come into play. Anyone who has solved this by configuring higher limits of any of the tuneables, please chime in. It has me wondering if the Too Many Open Files might be a red herring and really be something else, but being reported as too many open files.

I would rather not have to go the Docker route. I use RPC calls to add (brute force) traffic shaping that my Transmission lacks, and can't imagine trying to do that over multiple shards. I am already hosting Transmission on a 20GB VM. The next thing I am going to try is to kick everything off the box and give Transmisison (and the ZFS ARC) all 64 GB of ram and see if that helps the situation.

I can live with the 15 - 20 minute boot up time, if I can just get past the TMOF error that causes me to need to reboot daily.
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