Hello all,
I have searched the bug list and the forum but did not find any similar references.
My system:
Transmission: 4.0.6 (38c164933e)
O.S.: Linux Mint 21.3
I've just started using Transmission. I've downloaded several torrents, with multiple files, two of them with different hashes but the same directory name, without realizing the problem until one of them has finished.
I now find that the completed one seems to have a mix of its files with the incomplete one, I don't know which ones are from one and which ones are from the other, if I check the incomplete one, it tells me that there is nothing, indeed the directory is empty.
I'm afraid to check the complete one and that it initializes files because they are from the incomplete one, because the name and content match but not the pieces.
Can this be considered a bug? Shouldn't Transmission check if the directory already exists and add something to differentiate one torrent from another?
I am now trying to locate in the sources where the structure of the file where Transmision stores the information is defined, to see which files are from one and which are from the other, if possible also the size of them, to try to reconstruct both torrents without having to download them again, or at least not completely.
Greetings and thanks in advance
Different torrents but with the same directory name
Re: Different torrents but with the same directory name
There is at least one similar issue posted on github: Allow changing data location of torrent when multiple torrents download to the same directory.