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Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:47 pm
by warrenc12
I'm a linux noob, struggling with something that is probably basic. Running FreeNAS 8.0.1 (based on FreeBSD 8.2). I try to run this manually and get:

: command not founde 3: {
: command not founde 18:
' line 38: syntax error near unexpected token `do
' line 38: ` for RAR_FILE in $( find "$SRC_DIR" -iname "*.rar" ); do

any help?


Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:35 pm
by killemov
You probably do not have bash installed on your system. You can install it. You may keep to csh, but then you need to tweak the script to get it working on that shell.

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:40 pm
by warrenc12
I run "bash" and get that error. Is that expected?

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:30 pm
by killemov
warrenc12 wrote:I run "bash" and get that error. Is that expected?
No. On a "normal" system you would not see any messages at all. Good luck with your efforts on getting it to run on your system.

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:17 pm
by warrenc12
Ok, so I need to write my own script with some changes. Can somebody give me a quick dummy way to make sure Transmission is actually executing the script?

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:23 pm
by warrenc12
Haha, well I need something that will pipe to a text file. I can put in the transmission variables to see if it is spitting things out the way I like.

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:46 pm
by Jordan
x190 wrote:
henree08 wrote:I know implemented this playscript for debian to run from tm as script-torrent-done-filename.Comments invited.Do you know the have firmware on it? Then it belike isn't helmeted to run symmetrical the most basal commands in the playscript. Try flowing unrar from the cover for instance.See the options for unrar on how to unrar to a Geostationary directory. All your activity from rarred torrents module end up in a azygous directory.Personally I would use course instead of copying it, saves lots of area. Though if you are transferring it to another computer then of action copy is meliorate.Honours you'll someone to happening the DEST_DIR-variable to your desirable dir. You can add "$DEST_DIR" to the unrar lie if you also requirement your unrars to end up there.Position, choosing if copying or linking. Withdraw the in cheat of the cp-line at the ground if copying or the linker-line if linking.

Toyota Power Steering Gear Box
I'm henree08 I am I am,
I got married to the girl next door,
She's been married 7 times before,
I'm henree08 I am I am.
This is too funny to delete, even though it makes no sense now that I've deleted the original spam... :lol:

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:40 pm
by killemov
Wait, what?! It looks like japanese translated by Google. By all means delete all the posts that have nothing to do with my script, including this one.

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.09.10

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:14 pm
by atanamir
Hi Killemov, i have running a slight modified version of your script on a Thechus N2200 NAS.

The modification is just to unrar to a folder named upon the torrent folder without the part from SxxEyy to the end, and with dots changed to spaces (ie: "Some.torrent.Name.S04E03.some.other.stuff" will go to the folder "Some torrent Name") if the Torrent name contains the SxxEyy entry, to a default folder otherwise.

Code: Select all

  # Source directory, should not be changed.
  # Check if the toorent name contains a "s" followed by 2 digits followed by "e" followed by 2 digits
  echo "${TR_TORRENT_NAME}"|grep -q -i -e "s[0-9]\{2\}e[0-9]\{2\}"
  # If there is a match grep returns 0, 1 otherwise
  if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
  # no matches so i store the file in a custom folder (it can be the "${TR_TORRENT_DIR}/${TR_TORRENT_NAME}" )
  # got a match so i convert dots in spaces and remove the SxxEyy part
    UNRARDIR="`echo "${TR_TORRENT_NAME}" | sed -e "s/\./ /g" -e "s/ S[0-9]\{2\}E[0-9]\{2\}.*//I"`"

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.10.24

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:56 pm
by killemov
I have updated the start post with a new script.

When unrar fails the torrent is verified and started again. This will result in an endless loop when the torrent actually contains bad archive data. (It happened to me only once.)

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.10.24

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:03 pm
by michaeli
Having a little trouble with my version of your script.
Heres where I am at. When a torrent finishes downloading, it unrars to my desktop/temp folder like I want. The problem is that there is NO CLEANUP. The downloaded far files are still there, and the torrent is still listed in Transmission.
The only parts of this script that I changed was the username/password, and the dest dir. I assume that using full path is fine since that is working. The rest of this script eludes me as scripting was never my strong point.

So, can you please evaluate my version of your script for errors and let me know what I am doing wrong. thanks

One more question, does this script do ANYTHING to NON Rar downloads? like will it still move? cleanup? Thanks again

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
# by Killemov
  # Log file, file where we tell what events have been processed.
  # Username for transmission remote.
  # Password for transmission remote.
  # Get current time.
  NOW=$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)
  # Source directory, should not be changed.
  # Directory to store the un-compressed files in..
  # This parameter string could be passed from Transmission in the future.

  if [ -e "$SRC_DIR/keep" ]; then

  if [ -e "$SRC_DIR/exit" ]; then

  # Actual processing starts here.
  if [[ "$TR_TORRENT_PARAMETER" =~ "EXIT" ]]; then
    echo $NOW "Exiting $TR_TORRENT_NAME" >> $LOG_FILE
    exit 0

  if [[ "$TR_TORRENT_PARAMETER" =~ "EXTRACT" ]]; then
    if [ -d "$SRC_DIR" ]; then
      unset RAR_FILES i
      for RAR_FILE in $( find "$SRC_DIR" -iname "*.rar" ); do
        if [[ $RAR_FILE =~ .*part.*.rar ]]; then
          if [[ $RAR_FILE =~ .*part0*1.rar ]]; then
      unset IFS

      if [ ${#RAR_FILES} -gt 0 ]; then
        for RAR_FILE in "${RAR_FILES[@]}"; do
          unrar x -inul "$RAR_FILE" "$DEST_DIR"
          if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
            echo $NOW "Error unrarring $TR_TORRENT_NAME" >> $LOG_FILE
            transmission-remote -n $TR_USERNAME:$TR_PASSWORD -t$TR_TORRENT_ID --verify --start
            exit 0
        if [[ ! "$TR_TORRENT_PARAMETER" =~ "KEEP" ]]; then
          SLEEP=$(expr match "$TR_TORRENT_PARAMETER" '.*SLEEP\([0-9a-zA-Z]*\)')
          if [ ${#SLEEP} -gt 0 ]; then
            sleep $SLEEP
          transmission-remote -n $TR_USERNAME:$TR_PASSWORD -t$TR_TORRENT_ID --remove-and-delete
        echo $NOW "Unrarred $TR_TORRENT_NAME" >> $LOG_FILE
} &
  • FYI: I am running Mac OS X 10.7.2 Lion
    Model Name: Mac mini
    Model Identifier: Macmini5,2
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 2.7 GHz
    Number of Processors: 1
    Total Number of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 8 GB

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.10.24

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:09 pm
by michaeli
Dumb possible time saving question here.

Is TRANSMISSION-REMOTE something I need to install in addition to Transmission Client? if so where does one get it.

I HAVE enabled the REMOTE section in the Transmission Prefernces and given a username and password.

If this is my problem, advise hoe to get it


Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.10.24

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:41 am
by evinh0
This doens't work on Mac or is just me?

Sorry for my noobish.

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.10.24

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:38 pm
by killemov
michaeli wrote: ...
Heres where I am at. When a torrent finishes downloading, it unrars to my desktop/temp folder like I want. The problem is that there is NO CLEANUP.
The only parts of this script that I changed was the username/password, and the dest dir. I assume that using full path is fine since that is working.
So, can you please evaluate my version of your script for errors and let me know what I am doing wrong. thanks
One more question, does this script do ANYTHING to NON Rar downloads? like will it still move? cleanup? Thanks again

FYI: I am running Mac OS X 10.7.2 Lion
This script was not written for Mac but for Debian. (Read 1st post please.) You claim the script unrars something. I seriously doubt that it could do anything on a Mac.

The script only unrars the downloaded rar-files but removes everything.
michaeli wrote:Is TRANSMISSION-REMOTE something I need to install in addition to Transmission Client? if so where does one get it.
For Mac? I don't know.
evinh0 wrote:This doens't work on Mac or is just me?
I don't have access to a Mac, but I believe the script won't run at all on a Mac.

Re: Unrar and cleanup script - UPDATE 2011.10.24

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:17 pm
by meathane
nope, not working for me. i'm a linux n00b, but i guessed id actually have to have some kind of unraring app installed for this to work? i ran

sudo apt-get install unrar

and it told me it was already installed. upon donloading a tv show that was split into .rar files, nothing happened, i also checked /var/logs but dont have an unpacks log or posttorrent log file. could anybody explain how to 'install' this script, or get it to run once a download is finished?

note, i did change the permission of the script file to 777, and also changed the username and password entries too