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Transmission GTK+ 2.84 Auto Add Torrent Error

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:57 am
by Buccaneer

I've done a few hours of searching, and haven't been able to come up with an answer for this. I'm using Transmission 2.84 (14307) on Ubuntu. Everything has been running smoothly since the setup, with one exception. I set up the function to automatically add .torrent files from:... and whenever a .torrent file drops in, I get an error. The error says:

Error opening torrent
The torrent file "FILE/LOCATION/AND/NAME" contains invalid data.

I hit the close button, and the torrent options window is open, if I click open, the torrent works fine. I can take the same torrent file, and open it manually, with no errors. This error only happens when it is trying to auto add the torrent. It happens 100% of the time, and in every case, I can use those torrents, as long as I open them manually.

I've reproduced this on 3 separate machines, all running Ubuntu 14.04

I've reinstalled, I've changed directories and accounts.

I've also reproduced this on 2.82 (14160)

Any help / suggestions I can get would be greatly appreciated. I've run Transmission on OS X for years, love it. I need to be able to have it watch the directory and auto add though. Thanks in advance!

Re: Transmission GTK+ 2.84 Auto Add Torrent Error

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:50 pm
by Langley
I'm having this exact same problem, here six years later. I'm on pop_os 20.04 with Transmission 3.0.0.