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Where does Transmission store the paths for files for each torrent?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:51 am
by CodeDriller

I would like to transfer my (quite big) torrents collection to Transmission. For that reason I would like to set the paths for files for each torrent programmatically rather than manually. Could anyone, please, tell me where does Transmission store paths for files for it's torrents and (if it is not in plain text) what is the format of stored paths?

Re: Where does Transmission store the paths for files for each torrent?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:11 pm
by CodeDriller
One embedded client in Zyxel router and one client on Ubuntu box.

Re: Where does Transmission store the paths for files for each torrent?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:59 am
by CodeDriller
Thank you. bt-migrate looks very promising. Do you know other interfaces like that?

It seems that I have found the paths. They are stored inside ".resume" files in "resume" folder. It seems that the "files" field must be appended to "destination" field to obtain a full path.

I'm not sure now if it is better to go bt-migrate way or make direct path changes.