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How to check if Blocklist running good

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:59 pm
by giulian

I have read many thing on this forum about blocklist and i want to know if there is a way to check if blocklist is running good.

i use package on my synology

In graphic interface i enable and put URL for update block list i see the number of ip range but how i can be sure ip are block or ban ?


Re: How to check if Blocklist running good

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 10:29 am
by tonystang2727
Check your soft bounces results. If you’re seeing a large amount of soft bounces (anything over 2-3% is suspect and definitely over 5%) it’s possible that you have landed on an ISP blocklist. Are you seeing ‘spam block’, ‘mail block’, ‘spam content’? These soft bounces are an indication of being blocked by the receiving ISP.

A typical blacklisting may last between a few hours or a few days, with some lasting even longer. The duration of the blacklist really depends on what caused the issue and whether that issue has been resolved or not.

If you’re on a blocklist, do not panic. Unfortunately deliverability issues are a normal part of the email marketing industry. You will not be blocked forever. We can help you solve this issue. Email us if you think you might be blocked, and we’ll help you through sorting it out.