Torrent Availability

Feature requests not specific to either the Mac OS X or GTK+ versions of Transmission
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Joined: Mon Nov 08, 2021 8:33 pm

Torrent Availability

Post by thisiszeev »

Hi all,

I have been using TransmissionBT loyally since Pa fell off the dinosaur.

One feature that would be really handy is to have the torrent availability listed in the list of torrents. I know I can see it if I double click the torrent, but to be able to see it at a glance would be nicer. Also, to show the highest availability with the number of days since, and also to maybe have a multiplier as well, so if 10 seeders exist and I am connected to them, then it says "100% available via 10 seeds".

This would help a great deal when I go through my torrents to decide what to nuke and what to keep.

Maybe even an average download/upload speed as well.


Posts: 557
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:04 pm

Re: Torrent Availability

Post by killemov »

This has quite a niche use-case, especially when it only saves you a few clicks.
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