Hello, everyone.
I'm using transmission 0.96 on ASUS WL-500gP router. Sometimes I see that all my torrents just freeze (dl speed is 0.00 KB/s, 0 peers). The log says smth like this:
Tracker is not reachable
Previous message repeated 3 times
Closing torrent aaa...
Closing torrent bbb...
This can be explained by network issues which I have with my ISP: connection sometimes disappears. The problem is that torrents remain in that frozen state even when network connection is re-established (this may take a long time), so I have to suspend and resume them manually (which brings them back to life).
So my question is: can I tune transmission to resume download after connection loss (no matter how long it will take to restore the connection)?
I am connected to the Internet via wireless router, and sometimes (once-twice a day) my connection has become lost. The Network Manager of Ubuntu can cope with the issue easily, just restarting connection within a minute or less. However, after most such events all torrent activity remains seized (all peers are displayed as connected just as before reconnection event, but both upload and download speed drops to zero), and pausing/resuming torrents seems doesn't work. The only solid way I have found to rectify the issue is to restart Transmission client.
My fix:
My router assigns port forwarding to a per physical ethernet plug basis. If you change the cables around after setting up all the port forwarding and other firewall settings, you have to reset all the settings to the new way you plugged in all your ethernet cables. I went into my router and deleted all settings and totally reconfigured it to my new set up.