Transfering Transmission to new Mac

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Transfering Transmission to new Mac

Post by Azenghoul »

Hey all.

I got a new iMac on the weekend, so i transferred all my stuff over (by hand, not time machine cause i wanted a fresh install), I have a folder that i store my Transmission downloads in, so i put it back in the same place as it was on the old mac, and i kept all my old .torrent files.
Now before if i deleted a torrent from the list but not the file, it would just check if the file was there and continue, but now it's not doing that, it's just overwriting them, because i had a few that weren't fully complete yet.

So i'm wondering, is there a way to make Transmission check and see if the file exists first and continue instead of redownloading it all? i clicked Verify Local Data and that did nothing.

Thanks all that help!
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Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:28 am

Re: Transfering Transmission to new Mac

Post by timta2 »

You lost me at "Now before if i deleted a torrent from the list but not the file, it would just check if the file was there and continue,". That makes no sense at all. If you were to delete the torrent from the list it would not continue.

You should go to Tranmission's Preferences ->Transfers->Adding and check "Location: Default download location". Obviously Transmission is looking in a different folder than the one you think it is looking in.
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