Transmission FORGETS that it already downloaded something...

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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:04 pm

Transmission FORGETS that it already downloaded something...

Post by mikewb »

This happens to me ALL the time and TM seems to be the only client out there that has issues with this:

1) Download something with TM
2) Quit TM
3) Delete file you downloaded
4) Start TM
5) TM starts downloading the file again! UGH

Can you make TM a bit more smarter so it knows that it already downloaded a file but something went wrong and it can't seed it? This is what all other clients do.

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Re: Transmission FORGETS that it already downloaded something...

Post by essiw »

This is normal, If you don't want to download it again unselect it
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:28 am

Re: Transmission FORGETS that it already downloaded something...

Post by timta2 »

Can you make TM a bit more smarter so it knows that it already downloaded a file but something went wrong and it can't seed it?
What went wrong? Why in the world wouldn't you just clear the transfer from Transmission before quitting if you didn't want to complete it? I've used a lot of clients and can't think of one that works as you describe.
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